You may have a 7.1 channel headset or SA-908 series headset, you have to find it out on your user manual or headset box.Now you have to click on the download button in front of the given headset type.Go to the official website of Sades by clicking on this link ( ).To download sades headset driver manually, the whole process is given below. When you go to the official website of sades, you will see all the products and their details along with a dedicated page to download drivers for its different products including headsets. Download Sades headset driver manually from Website Both ways of downloading latest Sades headset drivers are given below. In that case, you may need to download its driver from a trusted platform like its official website or Windows Device Manager. But, in any case, you experience any problem in the headset functioning or audio, it might be possible that the problem exists in the driver. If you are using a Sades headset, it will install its driver automatically when you plug them with your pc or gaming console. How to Download Sades Headset Drivers for Windows 10? Fix Windows Doesn’t Detect Sades Headset.Download Sades headset driver device manager.Download Sades headset driver manually from Website.How to Download Sades Headset Drivers for Windows 10?.